Equipped with a modem and SITcomm邃「, you can communicate across town or around the globe. SITcomm is the very first program designed specifically to make telecommunications easier and less expensive. SITcomm窶冱 useful time-saving features 窶 like built-in file compression 窶 will save you online and telephone charges. Experienced telecom users will appreciate SITcomm窶冱 unique power enhancements like AppleScriptability. Order today, and see for yourself how SITcomm simplifies telecommunications, making it easier, cheaper, and more enjoyable.
Instant Connections with the Address Book
Point and click to connect to online services like CompuServe, Dow Jones, the Internet, MCI Mail, and local bulletin boards (BBSs). SITcomm already knows how to connect to most online services, so you can get started right away. And, NO scripting required!
(Click the picture for more!)
Automatic Compression & Expansion
SITcomm can automatically expand compressed files you receive, including files compressed with StuffIt and other popular compression formats. SITcomm can also compress files and folders into a StuffIt archive before sending, saving you considerable connection time and telephone charges.
A graphical palette gives you quick and easy access to all of SITcomm窶冱 most useful features.
(Click the picture for more!)
Foreign File Translators
SITcomm can expand compressed files from other computer platforms, such as PC-compatibles (.zip and .arc), Unix (.tar, .Z, .gz, and .uu), and the Internet (.hqx).
On the Road
SITcomm includes features designed expressly for the traveler. Dialing long distance? SITcomm can automatically use your calling card number. On PowerBooks, SITcomm goes out of its way to conserve battery life.
Users of AppleScript and UserLand Frontier can automate compression tasks. One way to script is just like a tape recorder; you can easily record and playback all of your SITcomm activities.
SITcomm has a 30 day money-back guarantee so you窶况e got nothing to lose!
Call us today at (408) 761-6200 to order SITcomm, or use the handy order form included in this User窶冱 Guide.